Friday evening (March 25) presented an opportunity for a little bit of mid-semester fun for the AUHP students. The gathering, which was fueled with constant access to pizza and snacks, featured a get-to-know game (with several obligatory moments of personal awkwardness), some intense Bible trivia, Blokus, The Great Dalmuti,, and the frantic-antics of repeated rounds of both Dutch Blitz and “Sardines,” all accented with the creation of a colorful drawing zoo. Here are some pics that capture just a few slices of the evening.

(AUHPers, if you have a pic you’d like to add, please send it to me.)

Dr. Richard Weikart

Next Thursday evening (March 31st) at 7pm, in the Kinlaw Board Room, Dr. Richard Weikart, author of The Death of Humanity will be on campus and presenting a talk entitled, “Are you the Image of God or a Cosmic Accident?” (Open to the community.)