The 2022 AUHP Christmas Cookie Decorating Party!

The success of last years’ Christmas Cookie decorating party (and contest) spurred on another similar event this year. On the last day of regular classes, Friday, Dec 2nd, the AUHP opened up our conference room to a cookie decoration party – and just like last year, no more had the decorating started than the urge to compete overcame nearly everyone. Categories were quickly identified, a scale of measurement was established, and two of Asbury’s librarians were recruited to be neutral judges. (Thanks Beth Groves and Ashley Wahlert!) With a second cohort of students on campus this year, the number of participants grew tremendously. Over 20 cookies were presented for evaluation. (see pictures below) And the gauntlet was really thrown down by the sophomores as they engineered a clean sweep of the podium, earning the gold, silver and bronze. Furthermore, two of last year’s winners also made the podium this year, just switching places for silver and bronze (Haven Emery and Willem Hanssen). However, it was sophomore Emilia Conley who garnered the top prize this time for her version of Snoopy on his doghouse.

Last year we wondered if we had the makings of an AUHP tradition – this year there is little doubt.