
This section of the website contains blogs and essays related to a variety of topics including academic psychology, the intersection of human value with the practice, typical assumptions, and social authority of the scientific enterprise, critiques of scientism and abuses of scientific authority, and reflections on student study abroad tours to holocaust sites. Eventually it will also include book reviews as well as interviews with guest speakers who have participated in the Asbury University Honors Program Colloquium Speaker series (the “Human Dignity Lectures”).

In addition to a modest number of professional publications in referred journals (see selected items below), I have co-authored a behavioral and social science statistics textbook (see more information below), compiled and published instructor manuals to support a couple different social psychology textbooks, and written book reviews for, among other outlets, the primary publication of the United Soccer Coaches organization (Soccer Journal).

Recent Blog Articles


In 2019, I coauthored a statistics textbook published by Wiley & Sons. It is an updated and significantly revised version of a longstanding and widely used resource. The text is reasonably priced, comprehensive, rigorous, and yet quite accessible and unintimidating. Additionally, it has many unique features which reflect lessons learned from teaching 80+ sections of this course over the past 25 years.

Visit the textbook page to check out some side-bar essays extracted from the text.

Selected Professional Publications and Presentations

Below are some references to a few selected professional publications and presentations. 

Nesselroade, Jr. K. P.; Grimm, L.G. (2019). Statistical Applications for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, (2nd Ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley and Sons. [More Information]

Dean, J. B., & Nesselroade, Jr., K. P. (2018, April). Psyched about science… within reason. Invited workshop presentation at the 2018 Spring Academic Conference of the Kentucky Psychological Foundation, Richmond, KY.

Stratton, S. A.; Dean, J. B., & Nesselroade, Jr., K. P. (2015). Physician, Tend Thyself: Self-Care among CAPS Members. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Denver, CO, 2015.

Stratton, S. A.; Dean, J. B., Nesselroade, Jr., K. P., & Davis, W. (2014). Counselor Self-Care and Lovingkindness Meditations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Atlanta, GA, 2014.

Nesselroade, Jr. K. P. (2013, Spring). [Review of the book True competition: A guide to pursuing excellence in sport and society, by D. L. Shields & B. L. Bredemeier]. Journal of Coaching Education, 6(1), 120. 

Williams, J. K., Nesselroade, K. P., & Nam, R. K. (2007). When dissonance intervenes: Effects of perceived moral weight and issue opinion on self-enhancement of opinion objectivity. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 26, 227-235. [Read Abstract]

Nesselroade, K. P., Jr., Williams, J. K., Nam, R. K. & McBride, D. M. (2006). Self-enhancement of opinion objectivity: Effects of perceived moral weight. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 25, 27-33. [

Rowatt, W. C., Ottenbreit, A., Nesselroade, K. P., Jr., & Cunningham, P. (2002). On Being Holier-Than-Thou or Humbler-Than-Thee: A Social-Psychological Perspective on Religiousness and Humility. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 41, 227-237. [Read Abstract]

Nesselroade, K. P., Jr., Beggan, J. K., & Allison, S. T. (1999). Possession enhancement in an interpersonal context: An extension of the mere ownership effect. Journal of Psychology and Marketing, 16, 21-34. [Read Abstract]

Nesselroade, K. P., Jr. (1998). Toward understanding object enhancement: A test of two models. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky. [Read Full Text]

Rowatt, W. C., Nesselroade, K. P., Jr., Beggan, J. K., & Allison, S. T. (1996). Perceptions of brainstorming in groups: The quality over quantity hypothesis. Journal of Creative Behavior, 31, 131-150. [Read Abstract]